Thursday, September 10, 2015

How Do You Stay FOCUSED?

  Recently I read a blog post from a dear friend and personal coach of mine who talked about three number that make a huge difference in our lives.  Here is my own personal summary and thoughts on what I am learning from him:

  1.  The Number 10,000

  In his book "Outliers," Malcolm Gladwell argues that it takes approximately 10,000 hours of "deliberate focus" to become world-class in any field.  Those who have changed the world didn't do it on talent alone - they knew the value of hard work. 

  Back in 2006 Allen Iverson of the Philadelphia 76ers faced criticism for missing a practice session with the team.  His media interview a couple of days later became famous!  In a little more than 2 minutes, Iverson used the word "practice" more than twenty times.  It was, on the surface, somewhat entertaining.  But beyond the laughter of Mr. Iverson's frustration he demonstrated the difference between a person who depends solely on their talent and fails to grasp the bigger picture.  You can watch the clip here:

  Practice may or may not make perfect - but there is a direct correlation between the amount of work you put into a discipline and your true commitment to it.  Lots of athletes are born with tremendous talent, but you will never see an elite Olympic athlete compete on behalf of his / her country that has not put in thousands and thousands of hours of work.  The same principle is true of musicians and singers, business men and women, public speakers, and the list could go on and on.

  It is also true about our marriages and relationships.  Those who are intentional in investing time and work are destined to build healthier and stronger relationships, and strong relationships have less drama!  Hard work and intentional effort do not guarantee that you will never face a crisis or walk through times of difficulty, but it will establish the disciplines of love and respect that will sustain you during those trials of life.

  Yes, Mr. Iverson . . . I'm talking about "PRACTICE."

  2.  The 80 / 20 Rule

  In 1896, an Italian economist named Wilfred Pareto noted that 80% of the land in Italy was owned by 20% of the population.  And from this initial discovery came the Pareto Principle - known to us today as the 80 / 20 rule.  Here is what it says - "80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes."

  Here is what it looks like today in real life:
  • 80% of the world's wealth is controlled by 20% of it's population.
  • 80% of the work is done by 20% of your team or volunteers.
  • You eat the same foods 80% of the time.
  • You really only wear 20% of your wardrobe.
  • You spend 80% of your time with 20% of your friends.
  • 80% of your stress in life comes from 20% of your activities.
  • 20% of what you pack in your suitcase is essential for your travels.
  • 20% of your time produces 80% of your effectiveness.
  The 80 / 20 principle is really powerful, and if you understand it, it can lead you to be more effective, successful and impactful.  If you understand the 20% of your efforts that are leading to 80% of your results, you can intentionally put more of your focus there.  Rather than spending most of your time on ineffective things, you can focus on the efforts that produce the most results.
  • You can get rid of 80% of your "stuff" and not experience a significant change in your lifestyle or happiness.
  • You can orient your life decisions (business, family, spiritual, financial) around those things that produce the most IMPACT.
  3. The Number "1"

   I am currently reading the book "The One Thing" by Gary Keller.  In this book he writes about the power of focusing most or even all of your time, energy and efforts on the one thing that matters most.  Keller writes, "Your work life is divided into two distinct areas - what matters most and everything else.  You will have to take what matters to the extremes and be okay with what happens to the rest.  Professional success requires it."  While some of you may push back on that thought, especially if you are looking at it from a professional church / religious perspective, I believe Keller forces us to have an important discussion.  Most businesses, churches, organizations are not struggling because they are doing too little - most of them are struggling because they are doing too much.  In our spiritual lives we can easily confuse activity with intimacy.  While Jesus was here on earth, He was focused on one thing - the will of His Father.  In Philippians 3:13-14 the apostle Paul wrote, "I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us."  And in James 1:8 we are warned that a person who is double-minded is unstable in everything they do.

  You will not live your life with real clarity and focus (which I personally believe should be an eternal focus) unless you know what matters most in your life.  What is most valuable to you?  Are you working hard at it?  Are you spending proportionately more time improving and doing it?  What guardrails have you built into your life to keep you from being detoured or distracted from "this one thing."
  • If I were going to speak at your funeral, what "one thing" would you most want to be remembered for?
  • If you were going to have a personal conversation with Christ, what "one thing" would He want to discuss with you?
  • Which of those two questions I just asked is more important to you?
* Special thanks to Michael Lukazewski - my friend and coach who has added real value to my life and ministry.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Life's Unexpected Teachers

  Have you ever had one of those experiences when life (or God in disguise) taught you something deep and valuable through an unexpected teacher? 

  I grew up as a Pastor's son.  For most of the first 24 years of my life my dad was my pastor, and I used to believe that I could preach several of his messages as well as (or better than) he could - after all, I had heard many of them multiple times.  Those roles were actually reversed in my early 40's when, for a season, I became my mother and father's pastor.  * Talk about pressure!!

  My dad was a great preacher.  He and I were about as different in our communication styles as two people could be, but I still loved to hear him so passionately share God's Word.  But dad passed away at the young age of 72, so for the past 12 1/2 years it has become my responsibility to preach every family funeral in addition to 30+ every year as a pastor.  I have literally written and delivered hundreds of funeral messages over the years - some that were effective - others maybe not so much.

  But one of the most comforting messages I have ever heard in preparing for a funeral was not preached from a pulpit in a church or funeral home chapel, but rather in a living room as a one-on-one conversation.  Oh how I wish I could have had the foresight to have recorded it somehow, but I have learned that, occasionally, God teaches you something deep and valuable through an unexpected teacher.

  I asked, "Is there a particular passage of scripture you would like for me to use tomorrow for the service?  Do you have a favorite biblical story or a specific verse that has personal significance to you?"  And she immediately said, "I love the 23rd Psalm because of the picture that it paints."  Now I knew the 23rd Psalm by heart and could quote it from memory almost without even thinking, but I knew from the tone and inflection of her voice that there was something deeply significant about those familiar verses.

  She began - It starts by identifying the two main characters - the Lord and me.  It assumes that the two of us are in a very personal relationship - one where there is deep love on His part and genuine trust on mine.  The first thing one must see in this picture is that the Lord is leading me, which infers that I am willingly following.  "He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters.  He guides me in paths of righteousness."  We are on a journey . . . together. 

  Along this journey, there are times when He leads / guides me to places I would not have chosen for myself, and frankly, do not really want to be.  But I trust Him.  And in these difficult places of life, often referred to or understood as valleys, I learn that He is always with me.  "Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff they comfort me."  It is reassuring to me to be reminded that the shepherd is leading me, providing for me, guiding me, comforting me and protecting me. 

  By the way, valleys were made for me to pass "through" - not as a place where I am going to stay permanently.  "Even though I walk THROUGH the valley . . . "

  Leading me.  With me.

  The journey is a mixture of joy and grief, of celebration and sorrow.  There are mountaintops and valleys, seasons that are loud and busy balanced by seasons of solitude and silence.  I end up sometimes in places I never thought I would ever be - and that is always for my good, even though it may not "feel" good in that moment.  And along this journey I have learned that the mountain tops are more magnificent and exhilarating because I have the contrast of walking through some valleys.  (I have also come to understand that ALL of the green pastures and still waters are found in valleys).

  But the picture is not yet complete.  The Lord is leading me . . . He is with me . . . and according to Psalm 23:6, Goodness and Mercy have my back!  "Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life, . . . "  When I see this amazing picture, I feel secure, even in a very unsecure world.  I have an amazing Guide to lead me - an incredible companion who is always with me - and the promise of divine provision following me.  But the best is yet to come!  "Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord FOREVER."  Did you catch that?  The best is yet to come!

  I will never forget that "living room lesson."  It is one of the impacting "sermons" I have ever heard, because it reached a very deep place in my heart and taught me very valuable truth I will never forget.  "The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not be in want."  Thank you Lord for unexpected teachers!